
ESG Energy, Inc. is unlike many other entrants into the CCUS space. ESG Energy already has the seismic assets necessary to identify potential CO2 injection sites.

ESGY currently possesses the licenses to approximately ninety-five thousand (95,000) linear miles of digitally reprocessed seismic data across seven (7) gulf coast states, as well as 85 square miles of 3-D data in central Texas.

Additionally, ESGY currently has the right to reprocess approximately 600,000 more miles of seismic data in the remaining US.

With many companies publicly pledging to become carbon neutral in timeframes of specious viability (in most cases ranging from “overly optimistic” to “mythology”), ESGY may be able to help them attain this lofty goal. 

Simply put, using our own seismic asset base gives us a competitive advantage over other competitors in the market. Furthermore, by internally processing our own vast existing data to satisfy the need for viable CCUS locations, we are uniquely poised to be a wide-angle force in the onshore CCUS space. Seismic analysis and computation is an essential prerequisite for any potential CCUS site. By using our own widespread conventional seismic database to identify attractive CCUS sites, we can help avoid the uncertainty and sunk cost of blind seismic data acquisition.

About Our
Competitive Advantage

A Clear Path

Deep knowledge of subsurface reservoirs and geology, with the ability to collect unparalleled 3D seismic data over an area which may facilitate the development of multiple CO2 injection projects.

Experts are Ready

Project Principals include energy asset developers, 3D seismic acquisition experts, CCS experts, and business managers with a deep understanding of long-term energy agreements.

Experience Counts

The Principals have unique knowledge and decades of experience within the project area.

Advantages Are Clear

First mover advantage for the region, and ability to market to large corporate entities seeking low carbon solutions (offsets and tax credits).